Saturday, July 31, 2010

I've been here before...

I'm going through life with so much to say, but no real place to say it.  I've been a blogger before...perhaps a decent one.  But getting caught up in the trap of too many people reading my daily blatherings caused me to need to stop.

I plan on being honest.  I plan on telling all.  I plan on being funny, sarcastic, witty, perfect, skinny, altruistic, loving, wonderful, and everything everyone could ever want.

What's that they say about the best laid plans?


Scope said...

First! (Man, don't you hate it when people do that?)

SkylersDad said...

Hey! The commenty clicky thing is worky!

It's good to see you out here, I look forward to the uncensored stuff!

Sassy Carnival Girl said...

Thanks, guys! Hopefully I'll find something to say. :)

Cora said...

Sooooo, can I call you Carny?!